Love Poem: The Day We Met : a Collab With Em
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Written by: Paul Callus

The Day We Met : a Collab With Em

A lovely breeze blew from the sea
That autumn day was almost done;
Her thick and wavy raven hair 
Was boldly gleaming in the sun. 

She rode her mare with idle reins
Along the vast and sprawling sand,
Deserted beach that gleamed of gold.
The seagulls flew from sea to land.

I had no doubt that she could sense
My silent gaze. Her head held high
She made no move to pull the dress
That showed her leg right to the thigh.
She turned and gave a fleeting smile
Knowing full well what cards to deal
And next on impulse flicked the reins 
To urge her mare and dug each heel.

She was away; I followed suit
As hooves threw sand into the air.
The race was on, yet I held back
And watched the sight of flowing hair.

We neared the cove where water played
I licked my lips and tasted salt.
She pulled the reins, her mare obeyed;
I did the same, came to a halt.

Her face was radiant, breast that heaved;
I was a failure at disguise.
Appraising look gave me away
I saw the glimmer in her eyes.

Our eyes communed, there by the sea 
Before our lips dared utter speech 
I bade my time, while my heart beat 
And hoped the silence he would breach.

The sunbeams softly kissed my skin 
My dress, it danced within the breeze 
My eyes invited him to me 
My lips curled up in playful tease.

Dismounting from his feisty horse 
He slowly made his way to me 
I saw in stride and bearing he  
Was all a dream was meant to be.

His fingers slid in silky mane 
Caressing it with tender touch 
Yet in my mind, all I could see 
Was my long hair in ardent clutch. 

I dared not breathe, for he was close 
He might discern my wild desire 
And so demurely I did stroke 
My lovely mare to quell the fire.

He spoke to me, in mellow tones 
And asked of me, to take a walk 
Up to the cove where water splayed 
It offered us a place to talk. 

I acquiesced with faintest smile 
His brawny hands reached round my waist 
No sooner had I touched the ground 
Than to his body, mine he braced. 

Down in the cove, he touched my heart 
He lay me bare, my flesh and soul 
And love I felt, in every part 
For on that day, he made me whole. 

Down in the cove we two made love
She gave her all, her flesh and soul 
There on that day in twilight zone
She touched me so; my heart she stole.


A co-write: Paul Callus & Eileen Manassian