Love Poem: The Darkest Cloud
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Written by: Sarah Hobart

The Darkest Cloud

His nose pointed up towards outer space
There was never anything too tough for him to face.
With his head resting happily on a puffy white cloud,
This boy smiled proud and his heart beat was as loud as his chest would allow.

This boy met this girl; they took the subway and vanished into the city.
Nervous at the sight of her; she’s so pretty he thought.
Talking eye to eye, time flew by - he forgot all the negative things about love he was once 
Look how happy this boy was that cold December night,
Their conversations kept them warm while circling around the same block,
Neither of them cared for a clock.
This boy with his new pretty sharing the view of a lit up city skyline – they were lost in
Until the clock suddenly struck nine.
Hand in hand they sat beside each other and conversed awkwardly on the subway.
He collected enough courage and finally asked her if she would like to stay.

Ready to drive her home, he realized that was something he could not do.
The boy may have forgot all the things he was once taught about love,
Just as he lost track of time circling the block and gazing into her eyes-
The boy had lost sight of his keys!
They looked around; keys were nowhere to be found,
They must be forty-five minutes back inbound.
But he didn’t care; he shrugged with a laugh – he lost his keys but his love was found.
They made it home safe and sound.
That crisp December night left his heart pounding faster than it ever used to pound.