Love Poem: The Cupid Feelings - Topic A
Sherifat Aduku Avatar
Written by: Sherifat Aduku

The Cupid Feelings - Topic A

I think I need surgery,
Can I take out my heart?                                        
Cupid is at it again,
The diaper wearing brat.
Love is bitter-sweet, 
Why can’t I just have candy sweets?     
Maybe Man wasn't created to be alone                 
God’s plan perhaps.

Drowning in my schizophrenic abyss,
I wonder if I would see bliss.
Maybe it’s me being randy,     
Why can’t I have candy?
Despite things being rowdy.

Born without mating instincts,
My congenital disease,
Emotionally indistinct      
 In high degrees.

Juke on repeat,
The feelings play each time,
I don’t send text thinking
 she would reply,
I am wasting emotions,
It's getting pointless,
My heart is turning sour,
And my feelings, voiceless.

October 10, 2017. Topic 'A' Love and Romance.