Love Poem: The Cliffs and the Gorge
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Written by: Toni Orban

The Cliffs and the Gorge

The Cliffs and The Gorge.

Chance upon chance-- lover to lover,
The truest love discarded—lost romance,
Never either again found another 

Two seek the self-same love forever asunder
The hollow hearts hath much pain, 
Never again, never again, to replace the crossed-star love flame

And in the weening half-full hearts replaced, 
A great black chasm carved worn from the scars remaining,
Like a valley between peaks, cliffs for eternity refraining 

But for infinity the heart but holds the one true face
One true soul, and the loss builds anger inky, black as coal
And slaves to fates goal, mortals’ love never enough
And in its seeming, seething hatred lurks in the heart of unrequited love.