Love Poem: The Choice Is Yours
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Written by: Laurie Ginn

The Choice Is Yours

Hearts be broken
Hearts be quick
Hearts heal faster
When it cuts to the quick

The memories so broken
Stand in unrepair
Why love again
Why would you dare

Is there still hope
Is there still passion
Or this time your love
Will you ration

Do you follow your heart
Or has it learned
The pain and agony of 
Getting burned

Do you love again
Trust again
Or are you a fool
And let Satan cast you
In something so cruel

Satan will keep you alone
And in agony
And your heart will turn cold
And this is the tragedy
For the rest of your days
Your heart is protected
But your heart withers dry
From being rejected

I challenge you now
To let your heart heal
To find someone special
And allow it to feel

Love, pure love