Love Poem: The Children
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Written by: Betty Culberson

The Children

People everywhere bring me your ear,
I have something to say that you need to hear
bad things are happening to our children today,
creatures of darkness are taking them away

Wake up people, open your eyes
they are lurking about and telling them lies
these are our little treasures, given from God above
all they ask for is our unconditional love

Yet we let them in these creatures of the night
robbing us blind in plain sight
of our children, our loves, our prize possesions
you'd think by now we would've learned our lesson

They torture them, kill them, and lock them away
they're hoping someone will come for them someday
yet you stand idily by and watch them creep
while these thieves, these killers walk the street

These creatures of darkness, some are close to you too
your sisters, your brothers, or maybe even you
when it comes to our children, no one is excluded
aunts, uncles, nieces, nephews, all are included

Don't leave your children in the hands of a stranger
because leaving them in the hands of someone 
you think you know, maybe putting them in danger

So take time people, investigate
There are creatures out there who are filled with hate
They'll take your babies and make them cry
then turn right around and tell you a lie

They'll say your child is just like their own
and in the very same breath wish they were gone
So love your children, and always protect
and you'll be rewarded with their love and respect.

There are too many children being put in harms way, because of carelessness, 
I just want to draw some attention to this huge problem.