Love Poem: The Cemetery
Evelyn Swartz Avatar
Written by: Evelyn Swartz

The Cemetery

It is just before dawn
On the first day of summer
There is a hint of Lavender  in the air
The blades of grass emit a Chartreuse hue
The yellow moon fades as a Coral sun emerges in the distance

“Good morning my love”
She opens a Tangerine and places the dark orange skin on the grass
“Baby, I’m eating fruit.”
“I am here having breakfast with you.”
She speaks to him just like he were next to her
“Do you like my Saffron-colored dress?”
“I got it for summer.”
“I know you hate my toenails, yes Crimson is a little dark for me

Struggling to fight the tears she focuses on the colors around her 
Lemon Daffodils surround the trees, Lilac leaves adorn the shrubs
and Watermelon roses line the walkways
“I am placing some Aquamarine stones here my love.”
“These light green stones stand for courage and protection”
Her skin tingles and she feels he is there
They are together...Peace

Written for Changing Colors Poetry Contest
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