Love Poem: The Build-Up
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Written by: Celine Soucy

The Build-Up

Shall I stay or should I go, You know they’re going to ask me what I have been up to, an inquisition I can’t ignore. It’s just an innocent question from old acquaintances I chummed with years ago. I know what they’ve been up to: married; a job; a house, maybe even a few children.  Where do I fit in? What do I say? It’s best I answer short and sweet and let them be on with their day. Not much to say, especially since I am hanging on to today, getting through the day, putting on a smile pretending for a while, instead of boring them with my tragic stories of heartbreak from another fool’s play, a loss of a loved one with few words to say. He’s never coming back. Heaven’s where he’s made his way. At a job where I fight through day by day, ‘used to love it, but been shown its not where my talents shine, it rains there everyday.  Just waiting on my turn for my blue skies to cast away the grey. Those sun rays will bring me some better days and then will I respond to the innocent question, “What have you been up to?”, with an honest smile and blow them away. For now I will sit quietly and pray, and persevere day by day with Love, having Faith and Hope in my heart that today will be better than yesterday.