Love Poem: The Best Decision You'Ll Ever Make
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Written by: Jim Pemberton

The Best Decision You'Ll Ever Make

No good decision is made 
that starts out as a lie.
A good decision is to live for Jesus--
why not give him a try?

The truth is that God's son died
 for me and you!
The decision to live for him--
what are you going to do?

The lie doesn't matter what 
kind of choice you make.
The truth must do it now!  
Before it's too late!

You'll never know when your
 last day shall appear.
Your final day on earth 
could be very near!

A dedision for Jesus is the best 
choice to be made.
His life for yours.. on calvary 
has been paid!

Come to the cross and give 
everything to him!
Come and experience the joy 
of being born again!

A decision based on (God's)truth, 
is the best place to start.
Jesus' blood will make within 
you a brand new heart.

His gift of salvation is offered 
to all of mankind.
"Now if the day of salvation... 
Now is the accepted time!"

By Jim Pemberton