Love Poem: The Beautiful Star In My Night.(1)
Ayo Okpaku Avatar
Written by: Ayo Okpaku

The Beautiful Star In My Night.(1)

I saw d stars and moon
bow before your feet
Istooped and wonder 
right then my heart
begins to wonder
and then i maevel at your beauty
and the spectacular 
feature of your gaity
Your blue eyes
made me think i was in heaven
but when i saw the moon and stars above me 
then i knew i was right in my paven
your grandeur was glorious
my behaivour was unsteady
and right in your heart 
i knew you thought i was 'notorious'
you lookedgorgious in 
your beautiful attire
Iknew not what to say
and i couldn't retire
you walked close 
to me and for my name
Iwas suprised because you 
cared less about fame
I mumbled out Ga-bri-el
and you said yours was Mabel

                                                               out for the concluding part.