Love Poem: The Autopsy

The Autopsy

"The Autopsy"
They wheeled his body into the room. 
Covered with a clean white sheet.
The doctors were methodical, 
yet at the same time quite discreet. 
They studied it in sections, one area at a time.
and although their search was thorough, 
there were a few things they could not find.
They couldn't find the memory of the one he loved so dear,
and they couldn't find the passion that he felt when she was near.
They couldn't find his pride, or the bounce within his step.
Though the smile he had when he saw her hasn't left him yet.
And they couldn't find the pleasure that he felt year after year.
And if they searched his entire body they would never find it there.
Yes the body was being studied to try and find a clue.
Why his life had ended early, why his life on earth was through.
The doctors with all their training didn't know where to start.
For they couldn't have known she left him .........
and he died from a broken heart.

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