Love Poem: The Angels Hover
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Written by: Susan Clark

The Angels Hover

The angels hover over you as you breath, as you sleep.  
They rejoice over every breath you take as your lungs expand 
with and expel the air.  The window of Heaven is open as the angel 
of the Lord encamps around His chosen.
None are more precious to Him than they... His Son asked His 
Father if this flock could be His... His Father said yes, "but you realize 
what this will mean."
Jesus told His Father, "but see, they are everything to Me also, 
let this plan of their redemption and their salvation be because they 
are worth everything to Me."
"Because You love them so much my one and only Son they are 
Your inheritance, Your portion of all there is that you see.  Whatever 
is Mine is also Thine."
When His children are in that other state of being, when they are 
in that other place they cannot ever look away from their Lord and King.
It is likened to a groom who has taken a wife.
The match of a lifetime where either spouse cannot look away, 
both are apt to blush because of the forever eternal honeymoon
that they share.
That's why the Love of our lifetime is always by our side because 
He is our groom and we the Church are His Bride.