Love Poem: That Haunting Lavender
Mark Lee Avatar
Written by: Mark Lee

That Haunting Lavender

Sebastian is gone
The spirit of Alexandra is still there
Her haunting aroma of lavender
Still lingers through the dark silent rooms

The couple did not know
what they were in for
when they rented 
the old apartment

Sharon noticed first
Shadows that hoverd in corners
Noises came from nowhere
And a pungent scent of lavender 
Saturated the air

Sebastian stayed busy writing
An aspiring author
His goal- to produce a bestseller
The spirit watched him from the shadows
As he worked endeless  hours
Creating a literary masterpiece
The young writer could feel a suttul presecnce
ANd that intoxicating scent of lavender
Found its way into his sense of his smell

Tensions flared between Sharon and the specter
More baffling noises
Restless nights and unsettling dreams
A plae face appears  on the television screen
Her favorite bookshelf collapses
Incessant scratching on the walls
Causing hair to stand erect on arms
A rival in spirit form was ever present
Someone had to go

And it just so happened upon one day
Sharon was out shopping 
Warm water gushed over his face 
As erotic visions of the red haired 
Apparition found their way into his thoughts
The young writer began to gratify himself sexually
Until reaching an orgasm
That haunting smell of lavender 
Rapidly overcame him
Yes, he knew she was watching

Six months later, 
Sharon and Sebastian paretd ways
The novel became a bestseller
which led to: 
Brand new house
The fancy car
A sure promising career
With a fresh perspective on life
And a pack of unopened lavender incense
That has never been lit

The book itself being based on Alexandra
Her life of wanting recognition
Yet never recieving it
Sebastian achieved  after her death
What she could not accomplish in life

There always remained that desire 
To revert back to the place
Where the smell of lavender bewitched him
if only  one time
He had to see that house again..................

Wintertime now, 
The young novelist found himself
Passing through old familiar territory
On a cool Tuesday afternoon
Sebastian gazed up to a window
In a still vacant apartment 
Where it all began
Flakes of snow ascended down upon his hair and face

That haunting smell of lavender
Would never be forgotten
He could feel her peering out 
At him through the old bedroom window
The apparition wandered when Sebastian would return
