Love Poem: Talk of the Town
Gerald Dillenbeck Avatar
Written by: Gerald Dillenbeck

Talk of the Town

Luther Vandross recorded a song
that says something like
"We had the best love around...
We were the talk of the town."

I can't think of the last time
a greatly famous and resilient love affair
was the talk of even TinselTown;
and certainly not New York,...
maybe Paris?
Hong Kong?
Too Western commercialized, I fear;

Shoot em up
Mow em down

I would love to see and hear the day
I open up my YahooNews
and every viral video window is about resilient compassion,

How passionately the Trump family
comports their compassion together,
transparent and vulnerable,
courageous and curious,
intent on serving Earth's subclimates
seeking resilient health empowerment.

Maybe a side bar
about how the Pelosi and Trump extended multicultural kin
hang out,
karaoke and canoe together,
share gardening tools,
tell each other scary climate holocaust stories
while circled around a bonfire of un-vanities,
comforted by twinkling stars
and a predictably waning and waxing ecology
of moon enlightenment.

Jesus said,
or maybe it was Paul,
but some patriarchal and powerful
and passionate person,
That followers of Christ's messianic redemptive way
would be known by their amazing talk
of the town, counter-monocultural,
full rainbow of love for each other,
and Earth's natural/spiritual beauty.

So, maybe Mahatma Gandhi was right,
alternative compassionate win/win Christian community
is a fine non-violent communication
compassionate idea,
messianically bodhisattva suffering servant designed,
but not yet fully implemented,

Or at least not enough
to fill all these little YahooNews viral windows
with visions of great loves,
like Superman and Lois Lane
or maybe even Barack and Michele
and their kids,
and their kids,
and their health wealthy kids.

It would be grand
to share a planet
with others addicted only to great multicultural love stories
of communion,
epic tales of cooperative political economies,
co-messiahs of healthy wealth
offering each other a full-bodied minded polypathic hug
rather than the mistrusting 
right hand dominant shake up
and shake down
of competitive capitalistic 
win/lose monopolistic 

I long for a compassionate multi-pathic EarthTribe
including Christian evangelists
for God's creative Kingdom at left
and right co-passionate hand,

And Islamic FatherSun benevolently hospitable 
and grateful 
for radical global Win/Win communion economies
built out of mutual cooperative trust
and not tribal competitive narcissism
in mutual disinterest
and denialism
and nihilism,
and secular-Earth/sacred-Heaven dualism.

begets colonialism
begets monocultural corporatism,
not mutually cooperative investment
in health
and wealthy creolizing beauty hugs.

Commodification of Earth
begets further mistrusting handshakes,
automated mass shootings
of potentially viral health allies,
great loves,

As predative win/lose evolution models
develop inevitable lose/lose climate run down
run away extraction,
get the hell out of here pathologies
of depression and despair,
great longing for epic EarthLovers to return
becomes the talk of our global village,
turning Left interdependent side up
and Right fragmenting national egotism's autonomy down

Probably right after singing Imagine
a world committed to restoring peace
and great international epic EarthLove stories,
mutual communion passions
to never again think of health vocations
as other than wealth of global village purpose
and resilience of ethological 
ecological meaning
as both nothing and everything
beyond health of GreatLove's everyday ZeroZone experience,

Whether the talk of my town
and your town
or merely the shadow of a wistful smile
while turning off the too early morning alarm
announcing yet another day of longing
for more co-invested compassion
while singing and dancing Imagine

Less military-industrialized lack of emotional intelligence,
less capital colonizing commodifying
our own potential health integrity
of great and wondrous ego/eco-relationships,
healthy natural space
for all wealthy organic time.