Love Poem: Systematic But Revolutionary Teleology
Gerald Dillenbeck Avatar
Written by: Gerald Dillenbeck

Systematic But Revolutionary Teleology

Dependent natural co-arising of polycultural eisegetical consciousness.

Interdependent cooperative political and economic evolution 
of exegetical Beloved Polycultural Community Health/Wealth optimization information 
with synergetic functional frequencies.

Political and economic ecological mentoring conversation 
to cooperatively discern 
and ecotherapeutically practice 
revolutionary interdependent polycultural co-arising.

Buddhakaya, bicameral consciousness forms ecological self+other-identity. 
Events emerge from Left-hemispheric, 
"explore dissonance and label appropriately" 
toward Left/Right dipolar functions 
common to dependent co-arising dynamics of evolution 
(Yang/Yin functional balance as SpaceTime). 
Also known as "Basic Attendance" 
when referring to what is noticed 
prior to resonant resolutions 
of fully diastatic Earth Tribe 
empathic dipolar correlational
co-arising consciousness.

Sanghakaya, ecologically normative 
economically effective 
and healthy/wealthy functional 
emerges from Elder Right hemispheric temporal syntax RNA-community,
progenitor of DNA fractal dia-elliptical dynamic exegenesis. 
Beloved Polycultural Community 
as prime-fractal and dipolar ecological 
and communal pilgrimage from Alpha Big Bang 
to O-Mega Fully-Pregnant
Polycultural Dense-Nutrient-Rich Embryo.

interdependent dipolar co-arising discernment,
mutually messianic mentorship
permacultural development
between two or more health-balanced
evolving Consumer/Producer--Parasite/Host identities.
EgoLeft with EcoRight as holonic co-arising
of Environmental Exegetical Eco-Syntax SpaceTime 
dual-dark Memory Incubation.