Love Poem: Swinging On a Star Tankas-3
Deborah Burch Avatar
Written by: Deborah Burch

Swinging On a Star Tankas-3

“Swinging on A Star”-1

Oh “Bethlehem Star” 
Bright multi-faceted points
Still shimmer from far
Above my old aching joints
Reminding me of His love.

deborah burch©

“Swinging On A Star”-2

Diamonds on blue
Yours glimmering by the moon
Is “Venus”…still true...
Holding your heart, as I croon
Sweet love songs in moonbeam hues.

deborah burch©

“Swinging On A Star”-3

Catching golden love,
These moonbeams in a jar,
You watch from above
As if swinging on a star--
My "Mem'ry”…my love…you are. 
