Love Poem: Sweetness


i argue

and place a honey dipped finger
on your mouth
shh baby

a snatched back

look at me straight on
am i easy?

I’m not a one way ticket
I’m a hard earned dollar

but you pull the trigger
and hold the bullet
consider it

between your skinny
sweet fingers

then tuck it in your pocket

my mouth is always smoking
like a ‘67 tempest

picking at the holes in my
barefoot and grinning

getting sand in your seats

i don’t know the reason
i don’t know the answer

but nothing is make believe

i’m on your shoulder

crying for the state
of my salvation

the edge of my wisdom

i eclipse my own youth
with a pulled down
banged up
rattle can sort of

i don’t want it
but it won’t leave

corral me in your little

where i can sleep and get better
than i ever was

10 no’s
1 yes

pretty tough odds

i’ll bet you anything
i won’t go home