Love Poem: Sweet Hurricane

Sweet Hurricane

Sweet Hurricane		4/06/2011 		1650			 

Hurricane season is about to start but it won’t last from June to December
You are my hurricane, my natural disaster, my heart’s master
The one that will last a lifetime without reason or rhyme
The storm that will continually gain access to places I’ve never known
But you know …you own…..Me

Don’t you know what you do to me?
Ripping things a part not once leaving things as you have found them
My sweet hurricane, my natural master the one that never has to ask for
My love

Not the hurricane of bourbon but just as intoxicating just as revelating
There are no preparations enough to sustain your strength
Your powerful love I have nothing left …once 
You come down on me and destroy the peace that I try to maintain in my world
There is no shame from you yet, No explanation from you yet
On what you do to me

Katrina, Gus, and others among us that have worn the name hurricane but
They can’t compare to you
Nothing properly describes who you are and what you are
So I will just continue to call you

My Hurricane, my natural sweet disaster
The one that everyone wants to witness but no one can dismiss this
Because…… You 
Are just that beautiful wind-full, timeless kick ass-ness
Hurricane…my dear sweet Hurricane

A majestic force of nature, A manual create-ure 
Developed out of the dust of mankind
Molded into a timeless sculpture
You will never be maintained or conquered 

No man woman or child will ever live up to your manifest
More to come more to know more to reveal more to conceal
And the wonderment of it all is that…..

You belong to me
My dear sweet natural disaster
The one that will always be my master
My Sweet Hurricane