Love Poem: Sweats and Sweets

Sweats and Sweets

In one graceful motion, I lift my love on high
with all my strength, suffering and sweat
until hills fall in shadow. Until my words die
upon sweetened breath, I shall never forget -
I am fated to long for our lover's duet.

How can I break away, retreat from this -
a taste of forbidden love for my soul to graze,
to want eternally? For one summer day of bliss,
glazed, green apple eyes enticed with their gaze
while berry-kissed lips set lush fields ablaze.

In one fluid motion, I poured over you, 
drizzled my love like honey. An impassioned sun
burned bold at midnight until Venus flew 
and beads of sweat fell from heavens undone;
until, no going back, we, two, became one.   

When my arms lift you into realms higher
than I'll ever know and stars sparkle near 
like beautiful, new lovers to desire,
remember my sweat and sacrifice, my dear.
I lift you with waning days of sweet youth and tears. 

Written 6/18/15 for Olive's Sweats and Sweets Contest