Love Poem: Sungod's Flagrant Fertility
Gerald Dillenbeck Avatar
Written by: Gerald Dillenbeck

Sungod's Flagrant Fertility

From Darwin, and other naturalists,
we learned survival of the fittest
as polymorphically equivalent
to thrival of the fit-in-ingest.

Hmmm,...fittest mutual cooperators
...or maybe peer-to-peer positive-to-positive
equals reverse correlative negative-to-negative communisystemic.


At least permacultural naturalists 
speak evolution of biosystemic species
as an EarthTribe emergence
toward polycultural density
of healthy relational balance
among networking interdependent ecosystems,
or so we might conclude
from inter-species political relationships
and nutritional economic transactions
and toxic exploitive peer-to-peer competitions,
non-elite markets for marginalizations,
monocultural dominations
build border for mutual immunity defenses,
subliminally outlined
by PolyCulturing BeLoving Internal as External Garden Paradise
of sacred-natural regenerative potential,
ecological balance.

or synergy
or integrity
or creativity,
or regenerativity,
or co-gravitational integrity,
of co-empathic trust,
or nondual co-arising bicameral ecoconsciousness,
and whatever emerges as your healthiest wealthiest TruthGod,
your Great Transitional Purpose eco-larger than ego-self,
deep-nurturing network trends 
emerge diastolically toward global diastasis,
peer-to-peer universal yang-power
with yinyin richly balanced fertile flow-pattern
of WinWin Gaming EcoLogic
speaking Creativity as holonic healthy truths
of light's thermodynamic balance
polymorphing time's incarnation
through Eulerian nondual co-arising Primal Function,
convex-yang bi-elliptically (0)-soul equivalent
with concave double-binding yinyin bionic balance
polymorphic to WinWin fractal-RNA/DNA regenerate fractal functions
spinning Time's Health-Enculturing Revolution.

It matters to global evolution,
as to personal Interior Garden revolutions,
this density of polymorphic fitting-in
cooperative political and economic intention
toward ecological fractal-octave nature-spirit ecoconsciousness
of explicating-yang and implicating-yinyin bicameral order
as bilateral fractal-fold (0)-soul center of Dialectic Time,
primal tipping point of CoPresence,
surfing co-gravitationally between Alpha Original Intent
of SunGod's Light
through (0)-polymorphic fit-in-ingest MegaPoint
of future's primal Earth polymorphic consciousness,
Time's elational-regenerative v. contentious dualdark evolution
of Truth's healthy love
absorbing, co-redeeming nondual PastAnger as FutureFear.

Photosynthesis of light as fuel
enlightens polymorphic rich density of bright's divine polypathic (0)-soul,
Prime Relational MidWay Point,
humanely divining sacred wu wei teleology,
regeneratively potentiating eco-intelligent LoveNetwork Identity
surrounded by suboptimizing AngerFear Hierarchical Management Protocol,
BusinessAsUsual competitions
feeding hungry cooperatively-healthy  
divinely humane 
polymorphing ecosystems 
dancing and singing and vocationing and gardening
in EarthTribe's Primal Network.