Love Poem: Summer's Snow
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Written by: Sandra Adams

Summer's Snow

Heart's memory of sun grows fainter, 
What now? Darkness? 
Perhaps! This very night unfolds 
the winter. 
-- Anna Akhmatova

I remember the summer
of yesterdays, folded neatly
like little leaves just waking up to life.

Ours were colored, all the days
hanging together on one twig,
glistening amidst the morning dew
like love's own eyes waking
beneath the passion of dawn.

The redness, so we thought,
could never fade to colder days,
nor leave us chafed from winter's wind.
We were the only breath of air 
shared within the expansion of dreams.

We never dreamt of sunset skies,
yet, we watch it now, fading slowly
across the horizon of night's rise,
questioning eye's own darkness,
wondering, what does the truth behold?