Love Poem: Summer School

Summer School

It was a smile, simply,
that would absolve me of my virtue ...
a whiter-than-white allure of the unexplored.

Barely a teen, I was mesmerized by her sublime sway -
distant, yet she followed the puerile anguish of my eyes,
back-and-forth, then ever-so-slowly UP her fluid form
to where she timed a wink-and-grin to perfection.

I could feel the flush of my face, hormones spun (blatantly) awry,
and thought of looking away -
to assuage my obvious embarrassment,
but I could NOT, I was captured, entranced, hooked ... busted.

A tanned, stunning young woman, clearly in her mid-to-late twenties,
was flirting with ME, nearly but a child,
yet just the auspicious prospect
of being found attractive by such a divine older creature,
created an appetency deep in my core ...

A desire that made me at least feel like what
I imagined a man should feel at such moments,
and that longing - that intense, warm-and-confusing magnetic fascination,
combined with the corporeal sin of our age difference,
(a consideration that I knew I should find atrocious and unspeakable)
was far beyond what my callow experience could handle.

So, like a blissfully ignorant lemming
plodding inexorably into a churning, seductive sea,
I followed her up the outdoor stairs of the motel,
and through the door she had left coyly open ...

Into a dream world of confusion and fire and ferocious feelings ...
that would take years for me to understand,
but only moments ...
To embrace.

~ 1st Place ~  in the "Crazy A's" Poetry Contest, John Hamilton, Judge & Sponsor.