Love Poem: Summer Has Never Been So Cold
Lu Loo Avatar
Written by: Lu Loo

Summer Has Never Been So Cold

our passion was like blazing embers ignited by love's kindle-
now I sit by the ivory sill encompassed in burnt ashes.

             summer has never been so cold....
             since my love began to unfold. 

our sunset used to be medallion and tangerine-
western skies setting in an aria of a utopian romance.
now I lay on an empty bed, encompassed in bloodstained ebon tears.

             summer has never been so cold…
             without your body to have and to hold. 

our enchanting fairy-tale used to be full of big orange pumpkins and 
blue glass slippers-
now I stand by the tower window wishing I could be Cinderella once again. 

             summer has never been so cold…
             with you removing your ring of gold. 

May 10, 2018