Love Poem: Sugar and Spice

Sugar and Spice

Sugar and Spice

Sugar and Spice, just like fire and ice.  Not all things pretty can be made nice.  It was sweet as a treat, but now it’s laid out like crumbs for the mice.  Hot and cold is like new and old.  As fire is made from a flame, the ashes get caught up in the wind are carried away.  As ice is beautiful and bold it’s also hard to control.  The freezing of one’s heart can lead to worlds being torn apart.  The fire can run through the veins, but seldom can it be reined or retained.  Running wild and free it doesn’t stop and listen to the breeze.  The sounds of joy or the sounds of cries.  Both sit upon a dual bladed knife.  It is the way of this life.  Can one feel as if they died twice?  Being brave and being bold is something to truly behold.  As a snake sheds its skin can we too become anew?  It would be nice if that were true.  Seeing the world as if your brand new.  Instead, it is common to send flowers in lieu.  Versus seeds that need to be planted still.  Seldom do people stop and view, asking what one can do and what is troubling you.  Kind thoughts and intentions can be misconstrued.  Only you know what is really true.  It’s all how you want to be viewed.  As strong as fire or cold as ice.  Neither of which always turn out nice.  Sugar is sweet but only salt can thaw the ice.  Wouldn’t it be nice if we could all just get along and be nice.  Like the fires flame it flirts with danger, blue and orange move around each other as if created by a painter.  Oil and water, fire and ice.  Sugar is sweet, but like ice neither are nice.  There is a bitterness in the air.  One can try to keep their head and spirit clear.  Everyday is like a fight, inside of us between fire and ice.  Outside we fight against that sneaking spice.  
                                                                                      ~Michelle Neubauer Berube