Love Poem: Stroke of Liking
David Fisher Avatar
Written by: David Fisher

Stroke of Liking

I was set in my ways
Downed café au-laits
In a den of privacy.

Though pain from a jilt
Still throbbed to the hilt
A regrettable history.

With no delusions
Of future effusions
I cherished my liberty.

And tried to avoid
With every fibroid
That lost road to misery.

Yet a sneaky charmer
Found cracks in my armor
Ensnaring me unwary.

It was only a glance
A pure happen-stance
No intentionality.

But a sound like a crack
That I can’t take back
A fated futility.

Made me squeal out loud
When if from a cloud
A bolt of liking struck me.

With no more deterrent
This ardent current
Put glee in my fantasy.

At the speed of light
Our romance took flight
In ionic felicity.