Love Poem: Stranger Love

Stranger Love

A spoken word meandering unbound,
its own master measure, broad and profound, 
subject to interpretation thereof, 
binds poetic minds in Stranger Love. 

Two distant seeking souls through subtle verse 
blur friendship’s line across the universe. 
The poets’ bittersweet ethical stance - 
Stranger Love of virtual romance. 

Worlds apart, sharing daily life routine, 
seemingly unperturbed but in between - 
daydreaming magic of overseas dove, 
bearing a sonnet from Stranger Love. 

Two poets’ poignant passion from afar 
with minds alike and hearts aligned - ajar, 
weaves dulcet words into their secret bower, 
Stranger love - trite premise of great power. 

History knows in literary art -
a masterpiece oft born from lonesome heart. 
Upon the sunset red, night’s curtain stills - 
Stranger Love beckons through poets’ quills.