Love Poem: Stranded In the Pools of Fate
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Written by: Silent One

Stranded In the Pools of Fate

on the threshold of tomorrow
through countless sighs 
i wait for you
stranded in the pools of fate
as the seconds fall grounded
like tears of all my yesterdays
in the swells of invisible ink

you shimmer in the shadows of thoughts
beneath the lambent light of this full moon
as it looms in the obscurity of clouds
on the flickers of trailing stars, 
i wish for the contour of your lips 
to brush against mine

my spirit is a forbidden fruit,
i lie prostrate, 
perturbed by pitter, patter
of raindrops bleeding through
the windows of my soul -
only you can kill the silence

if only you were a falling star,
gravity would carry you into my hands, 
we would illuminate like wild fires,
but in the deception of dawn
all that would remain is stardust -
me whispering your name

so i remain cursed
by yesterday's today, languishing
in the shadows of your ghost.

Collaboration with Sandra Adams

Silent One
6 October 2019