Love Poem: Story of Love - 1
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Written by: Regina Mcintosh

Story of Love - 1

Our stories are different We travel different paths You go toward the rainbow While I plod a forest trail You move through the storms While rain leaves me feeling Cold and alone, like I need to Find shelter from the elements Our stories are different We seek a different world You seek the light of sun and song While I pursue a challenging thought Melancholy assuring me that I have All I need to reach my goals Pass my tests and face my trials With assurance that I abide In the hope that colors my world With hues of kindness and love Our stories are different, yet We both long for our dreams To come to life on the end of a faith That falls from our souls, reaching Down toward our spirits and believing Grace will call softly through the winds Whispering inspiration and creativity Singing songs of tenderness and gentleness Breathing passion into every part of the heart Growing a simplicity that beckons for light Which captures the truth in its brilliance Our stories are different, yet We each long for the laughter and praise That leads us toward joy that stays Alive through the end of each day Leaves us sure that we have what it takes To sigh in silence… breathlessly Dreams which heal every pain And spark a twinkle in the eyes of those Who know that this love living within us Is a love that brings true serenity Our stories are different Yet they remain the same Tales of convictions that crave The light that smiles through the heart Piercing the darkness with assurance Forcing all the worries from the thoughts And reminding us why we have it all If we have the One who gave us life And continues to abide on the inside Our stories are tales of thanks to Him Who created us and gave us the opportunity To share in His grace and His love With faith that believes beyond the prayer And promise that warrants all our best Because we can know that we have the chance To reach out and paint our world In inspiration that comes from above A wonder that comes from knowing the Son Who was sent to us by a God who is LOVE