Love Poem: Stone
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Written by: Ashton Nowicki


She has a heart of stone. It's cold as ice. It seems like she gets her kicks from hurting me. 
Everything I say or do she uses it against me. The aftermath of what she does to me is 
enough to make me bleed. You always knew how to make me cry. And I never asked why. 
Do you not understand the real me. You and your friends laugh at me. But its ok. Cause 
once im not around ill be ok. And youll be alone. With no one to hold you at night when your 
cold. The outline of my heart is not full of happyness and joy because of you. Month one 
through twelve was a living hell. Why was your love not a good feeling to me. It made me 
depperessed and up set. I could not control what you did to me. But I stayed with you no 
matter what you did to me. Cause thats what true love is. Staying by that persons side no 
matter what they say or do. Dont try to understand me. Just do the things I say...