Love Poem: Still Can'T Let Go
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Written by: Veronica Ortiz

Still Can'T Let Go

It was clear from the beginning, I 
was born to love no other.
It was clear to my heart that it found 
it's proper owner.
Many things got fuzzy, everything 
was catastrophic, but one thing 
never changed.
I can't forget my love for you, I can't 
forget your touch.
I can't forget your voice, I can't forget 
your sight.
I can't ignore how my body cries for 
you, and most certainly not the pain 
my heart feels. 
I don't like being with out you, I don't 
like the hostility in my heart of 
disgracing your image and wanting it 
more than ever. I can't control the 
battle that losing you puts me 
through, a battle against myself, an 
infinite realm in which I have no 
better outcome than perishing after 
you. I hopelessly wait for my time, I 
long for the day to reunite with you. I 
planned a whole lifetime together, 
my mind can't process the idea of 
our life not allowing the opportunity. 
I want you, I need you, time can't 
heal me, its impossible. I love you, I'll 
cry it forever. I scream to the world, 
past the universe past the point of 
my capable vocal chords. I'd fight 
with anyone who stood between us, 
nothing can take me from you. You 
have my thoughts, my heart, my soul 
and my body. My first real lover, the 
first to gain my approval, the first to 
make me scream "Yes!!" due to the 
hand you took. I shed my tears for 
you, and they won't stop coming. I 
gave you everything, and the only 
thing I'll be able to do is live my life 
for you. I'm confused though, how 
can I live this life when I don't want it, 
I loathe the day I couldn't live my life 
with you, I became accustomed to 
you, to our routine. They say young 
love is stupid, idiotic, unfathomable, 
but it was the most real, most 
wanted most confusing and pleasing 
thing I've gone through. How can 
something hurt and cause so much 
pleasure. There's a reason you place 
your pride aside for your love.. And 
that's the sole reason