Love Poem: Stardust Sprinkling Down

Stardust Sprinkling Down

all my beloved glance from    stars   above
            like candles that   twinkle   in the night sky
        and in my  dappled  dreams they see me  weeping
     so, they   sprinkle   twinkling  magical  STARDUST~
              silently from    ethereal    clusters 
           and I gather each   enchanted piece   within my  h e a r t _ 

June 14, 2020

Poetry/Free Verse/stardust sprinkling down
Copyright Protected, ID 06-1260-398-14
All Rights Reserved, 2022, Constance La France

Written for the Standard contest, STARDUST
sponsor, Nette Onclaud, Judged 06/2020

First Place

Submitted to the Standard contest, A Brian Strand 1096
sponsor, Brian Strand, Judged 03/26/2022

First Place