Love Poem: Star Cry Answer Me

Star Cry Answer Me

I am but shooting star …a comet 
my shimmering trail flows 
over your fine line… strings
the music 
of your powerful pull 
like black ink ...absorbing
landing me
my heat falls on you
                    …and I become your corona 
a fiery picnic feast lit up around your cool as mid night flesh

I will awaken full bright as hearth come to life for dinner’s fixing
                              for you… for you

I feed your flesh
You feed my soul 

and in so ...bursting forth…I feel as if I am God himself
                           …unleashed in love 
and fully draping upon the pain of the entire world 

I am ...but the desert of your dream’s feast
I am yours alone…naught but an existential dream

I am a black bird in flight...dip dancing 
on the silver edge of this magnificent night
                               ...suddenly white

Come with me into the envelope of the universe 
we will fold and fold and fold again 
into a being of one
and be the very vibration 
of being
…the we
             we are the perfect note.