Love Poem: Standing In Bitter Rain
Robert Lindley Avatar
Written by: Robert Lindley

Standing In Bitter Rain

Standing In Bitter Rain

Standing in this deep, lonesome rain
 confusion is my only friend
Agony of great death and pain
 as loss cries the weakness of mortal men!

Are we mortals destined for greater
 as we wander here ever so lost
Our end so often sooner than later
 is love only ever worth the high cost!

In this cold wetness the hurt only grows
 as seconds turn to dark blue hours
The loss of my sweetheart sadly shows
 bitter is the death of my loving flower!

Standing in this cold, hard wet chill
 love again only can ever save me
That thought tasting as a very bitter pill
 do I dare ever let go of my loving Amy!

Robert L.  05-17-2014