Love Poem: Spring Thaw of 2020
Curtis Johnson Avatar
Written by: Curtis Johnson

Spring Thaw of 2020

I sense that these are testing times with forecasts of better seasons.
I hope that I am not confusing, but I'm simply musing about a season
destined to be changed forever and for the good. Surely, methinks it is not                                                      
the worst of times because things could get a whole lot worse. Neither is
it the best of times because things could be a whole lot better. Perhaps
it is a prelude and a time of preparation for better things just beyond the
horizons. I see the dark clouds and feel the heavy winds, but have yet to
hear and feel the roar of destructive funnel twistings. Allow me to muse 
about the possible prelude to and the prospects of the best of times.                                                     

Could it indeed be a time of reflection and refreshing, a season of calm, quiet,                                              
and closeness? Could this be a gateway of intimacy with our God who wants                                                     
to be heard by a people who are not prone to listen?  Could this prospective                                           
prelude to new norms be a 'God-send' that vanquishes the old norms laden with indifferences and contentment without Godliness?  Would we not welcome
a 'new norm' ever more kind, loving, and relational?  Perhaps if we look longer, pray fervently, and wait patiently, we will see the silver lining in the cloud laden with a Presence of God unseen or experienced in our lifetime.  

These, therefore, are my musings of faith, hope, promise, and love. As the world begins to thaw from the CORONA COVID-19 freeze, opening up itself step by cautious step, may we not stagger, staring at the little picture without beholding the bigger picture. And as Christians, may we not fall short of opening our hearts to a world drifting into ever deeper waters and falling   ever further from God.

051320PSCtest, Brian's Choice B, Strand