Love Poem: Spreading Happiness

Spreading Happiness

South Africa is the first  
Place in Africa where you  can find more Excellent
Roads , rail ways , ports and Airports than some
European, Asian, American, Oceania  countries 
And more best world  wine companies. 
During apartheid many black people where living
In locations, treated as foreigners in their Country 
No black person occupied the  presidency or 
Governor offices in Apartheid regime. 

Happy day  was when Mandela won the  Election 
And became the first black president ; many black 
People felt free to  visit  different provinces and 
Places where they were not allowed to walk in 
Individuals or come closer without their white bosses. 
Nelson Mandela  remains the well respected Hero in 
Europe  and Africa because he forgave some white 
South African criminals & promoted "Rainbow Nation" 
So that  majority of black people could easy their 
      chronic pains and becoming  happy. 

March 18/2023
Written for poetry contest sponsored by Anoucheka Gangabissoon