Love Poem: Spoken Differently
Rose Henderson Avatar
Written by: Rose Henderson

Spoken Differently

Her newly acquired form was almost morally repugnant,
A twisted creation, so different, so distant,
Yet she dared to make a public debut,
The first female of her kind, quite a breakthrough.

Many applauded such a great honor,
But deep down, her heart was mournful and somber,
For how could she fit in this world so diverse?
When all she felt was desolate, like a curse.

The mocking and stares aimed at her each day,
Made her question if she should've stayed away,
From this world that never ceased to judge and hate,
But it was too late, she was already the public's bait.

Despite the loneliness and the pain,
She found solace in the pouring rain,
For it was only in the solitude of night,
That she could truly embrace her own plight.

So she stood tall, with pride and grace,
In this world full of discrimination and disgrace,
For even though she was different from the rest,
She still deserved love and respect, nothing less.