Love Poem: Spirit Moment
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Written by: Susan Deitrick

Spirit Moment

A Spirit-Moment   

Every time I find a picture, it's like a new visit with a dear friend.  
You are right that the person is never really gone.  
After all, once you've given your heart to somebody you truly love, 
it's not like you can take it back.  
Death just doesn't have that kind of power.
There is something mystical that occurs
Like the heart's threads begin to intertwine:
A Divine Weaving with the Heart of God.  
We were born first out of the Love of God 
before we were Breathed into our mother's womb. 
That birth came out of Something that is about Forever-Life but never death. 
That Love Drop fills in with a little human body; 
grows into a spiritual being in human flesh; 
learns to share itself with another and others; 
takes the accumulation with the poured-out self, back to Its Origin.  
There, in that Realm which is above, beyond, everywhere that is; 
the existence we refer to as Heaven, finds the soul returned to God.
Now, somehow, the same yet transcendent self, 
remains part of Its Source, yet free to be herself.  
So, of course, such love can't be disconnected.  
It is now eternally part of us, 
as we remain part of the one(s) we have so connected with. 
Family, friend, or spouse. We are oned by the Thread.
It doesn't mean the journey met the Promised Land 
and now remains docked in the harbor 
until death resumes that which was interrupted.  
No, the journey must continue.  
Still, there are lessons to live and teach; 
more love to allow and be part of. 
The beautiful, multicolored web is still being woven.