Love Poem: Soultrain Scripture
Gerald Dillenbeck Avatar
Written by: Gerald Dillenbeck

Soultrain Scripture

Back in ancient matriarchal time
Divine inspiration told sacred stories
of epic journeys
for creation and birthing re-creation
and against death and degeneration

Around fire-circles
for cooking
and cleaning
and keeping wolves
and shape-shifters at bay
away from form-drifter nightmares.

These were told
and retold
like a wealthy creolizing river of DNA codex
speaking in four gospel prime voices,

And only then
began to become more patriarchal orthodox
as written down
in fundamentally evangelical missionary monoculturing
monotheistic Bibles.

Yet, even so,
what were they breathing in
while divinely expiring out?

As if DNA diversity
would be more self-regeneratively fluid and effective
when labeled in LeftBrain deductive networks
growing more pathology free
through authoritative cross-referenced liberty to read
Codex Either/Or
with Both/And double-bound
in-between binary binomial bilateral ingenuous integrity
of Left secular commodification
with Right sacred unification

Dipolar co-arising
Left scientific Right sacred co-evolutions
of ecopolitical empowering/disempowering
scripture telling

Original multicultural matriarchal outside CreationStories
inside deep ecologically wealthy Voices.

Back in ancient matriarchy
timelessly understoried
warm womb of Time our reborn effluent selves.