Love Poem: Soul Food Music
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Written by: Roses Roses

Soul Food Music

She says her love language is food well now you're talking baby
We can go anywhere what shall it be
Texas, Mexico, France, Italy, China, Germany, or maybe some old-fashioned southern hospitality
I know your mind has a hard time deciding, so take your time
What should we eat is a question that should be treated as a delicacy
Our taste buds deserve a vacation because your stomach has a vacancy
The way the hunger is talking to me in Spanish 
Slow down so I can understand 
I know the frustration is mounting
She says ok I think I've narrowed it down to three
A burger, tacos, or maybe some sushi please
I respond: Mooyahs, Velvet, Tortilleria, or Mr. Chopsticks 
I know her usual at each, as well as the second and third options if one is unavailable
I'm still emotionally available for you, right now that looks like food
She responds I want something quick and easy
Mooyahs it is
There's something so inviting about a good burger that makes you do a happy dance while you're sitting still
Medium Rare with everything except onions for her, I like mine all the way dressed
She will get a small fry and then steal some from my large after I told her she should get a medium
It’s ok because what’s yours is mine, and mines is yours
The face you make when you’re hangry I adore
But nothing means more than being full of our love
Soul food tastes like an r & b song, but today it tastes like this burger 
p.s. I love our last-minute emergency food dates…