Love Poem: Sonnet For R
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Written by: Jack Horne

Sonnet For R

I wouldn't write anything this flowery nowadays, but this was the first poem I ever 
wrote - and the girl I was crazy about was pretty pleased I'd written it...

Your grace and beauty fill besotted eyes,
Enticing endless vowing from my lips,
And trading kisses for as many sighs,
With silken touches from my fingertips.
My true eternal passion knows no bounds, 
I pay you homage, ransoming my soul, 
Adoring every curve and each soft mound, 
Drunk on perfection - yours from head to toe,
Devoted to the temple of your form.
Your gentle lips more lush than any wine,
Dwell in my arms for ever safe and warm.
Unworthy, all I beg of you: be mine.
To be your fool in love I am resigned, 
My dearest love, I pray, be sweet and kind.

For Sara Kendrick's Sonnet Me contest