Love Poem: Sonnet 2 -Morning Dew Scent

Sonnet 2 -Morning Dew Scent

Gloaming hast come to greet min once again
Thy scent must have faded in my mem’ry
Longin’ for the old days cloying-cold pain
A stolen gaze of serendipity
That one selcouth-soothing scent in my life
Wend extensively depth in my lone soul
Thy countenance set mine heart to ignite
This fate converged the dawn and eventide
Fugacious affection, short-lived romance
Eulogized the inscribed poems of the stars
But tree had to lose grip on foliage hand
To fall and kiss the ground and tree bear scar
The zephyr’s love turned to sourly-sweet breeze
Only thy morning dew scent sends me peace.