Love Poem: Sonlight
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Written by: Regina Mcintosh


He is the Creator, the Author The One who abides, lives on the inside He is the designer, the inventor He makes a way through every struggle He lifts the spirit when everything Seems like it is tumbling down Leaving the heart so full of doubt He is the Maker, the originator The One who decides, the One who guides Through spiritual darkness, through fears That taunt, haunt – so daunting He is the light that reflects all the wonder The peace and the joy, the hope For a world filled with His splendor and glory He is the Way, the Truth and the Life He stills the storms and calms the cyclone His love is like a flood of inspiration He colors the thoughts in bright illumination Starry skies and rainbows with smiles Preparing the heart, charming the soul Growing with compassion and mercy Grace that overcomes and always amazes He is the One who I go to in faith When I need someone who I know truly cares Someone who will be a friend like no other A friend who is closer than any brother He opens my eyes to the beauty of a life Filled with His insight, His creativity, His muse The wonder of a love brighter than the sun Because it is alive – it is breathless and wise It is the brilliance of One who truly is the SONLIGHT!