Love Poem: Some Kind of Cleopatra
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Written by: Keith O.J. Hunt

Some Kind of Cleopatra

She could be ----

   whatever she wanted to be.....

Cause the seas mighty with storm

   to scorn the shores of whorish men,

   and descend them to depths forlorn,

   or lift their wee-dignity, conspired aloft


Spiraling to the bosom of some fresh heaven ----

   they shall see their folly 

   for the loveliness in her eyes,

   and await her kiss a thousand years;

Reflect soft scented meadows,

   and a heart from which flows the waterfall ----

   roaring in glory of darling truth,

   and steadfast honesty,

The wickedness of men..... 

   cannot endure a glimpse,

   a mere peek upon her gaze.....

The desert winds whirl the dune seas,

   of Octavian mischief;

And whip they throughout the ages, 

   beyond time,

   Octavian crushed neath her timeless 


He always the 'great' villain,

   and she the beauteous Queen

Are good men and 'great' men of the same kind?

   seldom are 'great' men good,

  and good men 'great' 

Christ was born in a lowly manger ----

   the King of kings,

   and too many a 'king' born in plush luxury,

But Cleopatra took her life for love,

   though born of unsurpassed beauty,

   she was not tainted with the thirst of power,

   or hungry like a selfish dog ----

   to appease a frail appetite,

But supreme as a thorn-bird's undying love;

   many a wold (rolling plains),

   dipped in honeyed ease,

   the glory of gold, and likeness of her

Essence(d) in the weave of high-romance,


Whom the masses of men lay mystified

   in her elegant recollection,

   majestic, for her affections ----

The Valley of the Kings

   kneel in her shadow....

   she is beautiful,

   for her love.....

Whom she may be called

   (both good and great)

She could be,

   whatever she wanted to be.....