Love Poem: Sleeping Angel
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Written by: Ivan Beresford

Sleeping Angel

I lay my head down on my pillows, I’m fussy, I have four just for comfort,
Three hours later and it’s four o’clock, again I’m unable to sleep,
I look at my partner and see her in slumber so sweet,
Then I have an idea.

I stare at her and smile for I never noticed the way her eyes twitch,
I’m intrigued to know more about this creature of utmost beauty and perfection,
So I listen to her dreams, she mumbles the name of another man,
But I don’t worry for I know of this man, it’s a name we have discussed
In previous times, the name I would give to my Son if ever I am blessed
With such a gift, But this also brings great sadness to me as well for I know
That this is a gift she is not able to bless me with.
I watch as the tears role down her face, I hold  her in my embrace,
Then as I lick the tears from her cheeks, I softly kiss her eyes, 
As she smiles a smile of Angels she reaches out and holds me tight,
I feel her warm breath on my neck and as she breaths heavily in my ear
I feel the chills run down my spine and again I watch her sleep.

She’s running, not from but to, to what I do not know, I slip into the 
Image of her mind and I find peace and pain, I want to help, to tell her how much
I love her but all I can do is watch for interference is not an option,
I see her scream and cry as she witnesses the death and loss of a person
Who she holds dearer in her heart than even myself, and with great reason,
I cry as I watch her struggle through life with the absents of love, 
And as I see the use and abuse she has suffered, I fall to my knees and think,
After all of this how can I possibly make a difference in her life now?
And I cry streams of endless tears.

I watch her as she opens her eyes, she knows not of what has a been saw this night,
I try to talk as I wipe the tears from my eyes, to say words, to comfort her in some way,
She looks towards me and asks  the reason for my tears, I tell her not for she has already
Endured pain this night, I tell her I had a bad dream, then she gives me a hug,
Gently kisses me on the lips an says with the voice of an Angel,
“I love you”.