Love Poem: Skimming Off the Top

Skimming Off the Top

I've got a cup that overflows with emotions
Emotions I can't bottle up cause I don't want to hurt
I want to live and feel and enjoy every bit of it
But at times I can't help but skim from the top 

That's why I be pouring into empty cups
Cups that don't pour into others
Cups that only know what it feels to receive
And they expect it to be timely, in their own time 

I've go a cup that overflows with emotions 
Emotions that I try to tap into my words
As the ink from my soul drips into lifeless souls
Cause living has drained the  out of most of us 

That's why we live like we ain't living for others
Only looking out for ourselves
Forgetting that we can't exist all by ourselves
That we were meant to coexist 

I've got a cup that overflows with emotions
Thats why every time I write I'm able to draw things,
both good and bad to me
For I lace my words with my personality that's why you relate 

The PO£T