Love Poem: Sitting In the Rocking Chair
Liam Kelly Avatar
Written by: Liam Kelly

Sitting In the Rocking Chair

Sitting in the rocking chair,
Watching the children grow,
Waiting for the day to come,
For my final rest.

I watch the world with ancient eyes,
A smile upon my face,
As it passes me by.
Sitting in the rocking chair,
My mind all aglow,
Melancholy mood,
As my children grow old.

Waiting here upon the porch,
Hat upon my head
My eyes twinkle with happiness,
My children’s children greet me now,
Hug me in my rocking chair,
The gentle hugs fill my brittle bones with warmth,
And I gaze upon them with joy,
Knowing this is the future,
While sitting in the rocking chair.

I gently rock back and forth,
My voice old and dry,
My son hands me some water,
And I speak again,
Telling them of when I was young,
Before this rocking chair.

With a sad smile upon my face,
I watch them leave my home,
Waving goodbye as they drive away,
Tears dripping from my eyes,
As I sit in this rocking chair.

Slowly I stand up,
From the rocking chair,
Hobble inside, steady and slow,
Get into bed and go to sleep,
And wake up in a bright place,
And see my rocking chair.

I sit down,
And smile at the gatekeeper,
And here I wait still,
I shall see my children soon.