Love Poem: Sin In Love
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Written by: David Caldera

Sin In Love

I've drank your waters, I've seen all your smut,
It made me so sick,  I felt to throw up.
I've let the froth spill from my shallow almost empty cup.
I've spent time thinking, sitting alone & drinking.
Trying to come up with away to say,  "enough is enough".
As time has past,  I've been beaten.
I've seen it all death,  destruction,  the degrading of men.
I've walked barefoot & at times on my hands and knees,
through the streets in L.A.'s scorching unforgiving heat.
I made decisions that I regret,
I even placed costly bets,
Fact is, I still haven't found love,  from within you yet.

I've run naked in your garden of lost love and deceit
only to come up empty and with no relief.
I've sat ashamed of who I am, & hid in defeat.
Gone to sleep with the fear of not waking up.
had a pain in my head so bad, I wished I were dead.
Seems I can't forget.
I still haven't found love from with in you yet.

I've woken up in front of my Lord, God
talking to him naked & felt odd.
I seek answers from with in, but find answers to questions
filled with sin.
I search for away to set my heart free so I can live like other men.
What good is the truth if the answer is still the same in the end
who'll be left to answer to in a world full of Sin.

David J. Caldera