Love Poem: Simple Sam
Samantha Komornik Avatar
Written by: Samantha Komornik

Simple Sam

I'm simply Sam, the simple stalker
Popping sweet tarts like a drug addict pops their pills
I worry too much and often think too into things
I know what's right for you, but have no idea what's good for me
I swallow my words to keep me sane
Chaning myself down to keep me tame
I think outside the box while looking in
Always searching but never finding that someone just for me
Standing outside your class room door
Waiting for you to look up and see
I'm simply Sam, the shy stalker
Following you down a hallway begging you silently to turn around
To look at me, not through me
Begging you to notice me
Hoping you will be the one who falls for me
I'm simply Sam, the silent stalker
I watch you pass by in crowds
Waiting for scenes like on a silver screen
Of fateful occurences- meeting my soulmate
Thinking every person I fall for just may be that someone just for me
I'm simply Sam, the obsessive stalker
Writing poetry in vain
All about you and how I wish it could be
Writing poetry of premeditated heartbreak
A poetic preminition of how it all ends
I'm simply Sam, the poetic stalker
Going out of my way to give you what you want
Spending dollar after dollar just to see you smile
Devoting time, effort, and gut all to see the tiniest upturn of the corner of your mouth
Changing myself to better suit your needs
I'm simply Sam, the romantic stalker
I'll buy you flowers & candy
I'll wrote you multiple page poems
I'll serenade you in deaf tones to the best of my ability
I'm simply Sam, and I'm not a stalker
I'm simply Sam, just misunderstood
I'm simply Sam, who simply needs to be loved
I'm simply Sam, and I'm far from simple.