Love Poem: Silent
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Written by: Regina Mcintosh


In silent graves
Beneath jasmine maze,
	Gentle hues of truth,
		Tempt hearts, sooth.

In silent winds,
Where joy begins,
	On breaths of a prayer,	
		Grace meant to share.

In silent breaths,
Endless seas of peace,
	Gentle as the sunrise,
		In summer’s charms.

In silent hearts,
Dandelions whispering,
	Kindness in the song,	
		Music where I belong.

In silent wishes,
Stars, like glitter, scattered,
	Across the pitch-black	
		Shimmering, mysteries.

In silent rains,
Beckoning to the pains,
	Lost and lonely visions,
		Trembling honeyed hope.

In silent nights,	
Wisdom reveals its stories,
	Tales of life and love,	
		Legends lingering fervor.

In silent seas,
Oceans of heartfelt peace,
	Reassuring the spirit’s wings,		
		Saving the sweetest memories.

In silent forests,
Subtle trees create illusions,
	Soft shadows in gossamer webs,
		Flowing quietly beneath heaven.

In silent moments,
As joy remembers, flowing,
	Graceful as the gushing rivers,	
		Delighting in the heart’s healing.

In silent lessons,
Wisdom stirs the message,
	Teaching the heart in blessings,
		Brought to those who believe Him…

The theme of every stillness, each silence
Beneath the fears, beyond the tears,
Rises a heart who was once lost, but has been bought,
By the love of One who destroyed each doubt,
In silent wonders, He thunders…, bringing love to each soul…
	Who believes He is – the Savior,
		This Jesus, who silenced the voices,
			Inside, voices who tried to dim the faith,
				Voices that were silenced by His grace!

In silent forgiveness,
He saved all believers,
	With love that is so amazing!
		Love that will eternally save!