Love Poem: She's Still Here
Charles Guidry Jr Avatar
Written by: Charles Guidry Jr

She's Still Here

Crisp and deep within the night all the stars gather together to send the universal 
signal that some need to be sleep and others can start to enjoy their evenings, I 
remember these type of nights never to be alone without her presence, her smile, 
beauty, and all love as we slowly let things happen and overcome our dull time 
together and turn it into a nightly adventure I wouldn't rather embark on with anyone 
else than her, she knows my every desire but can never contain my process of 
accomplishing their ecstasy as well I know her every expectation of performance and 
still can't formulate the exact measures of pleasure to satisfy her need yet I abundantly 
supply her every command, until her needs are no longer met by my standards and she 
has no choice but to exile me from between the sheets of her throne, though her 
presence is absent from my eyes her essence still lingers wrapped around my torso 
kissing me softly on the neck and whispering goodnight handsome. -poetic